
From providing job opportunities to promoting community awareness, our partners are an essential part of our mission.


The women we serve are often recovering from domestic violence, incarceration, addiction, sex trafficking, and other abuse. The barriers they face while working to rebuild their lives can often feel insurmountable. The Stella Projects is eliminating barriers and empowering women, and our partners make it possible.


Hire a Graduate

Each woman who completes our training program is full of potential and prepared to succeed.

By hiring a Stella Projects graduate:

  • Employer needs will be assessed and matched

  • Referrals will be prescreened from a pool of qualified job-seekers

  • New hires will be provided with ongoing support as needed

For more information, please contact us at


Sponsorship Opportunities

Events and fundraisers are where we raise a large portion of our annual budget — these funds are essential to the success of our programs. By sponsoring an event, you are empowering women and eliminating the barriers to their success.

Why Sponsor? 

  • Your company’s commitment to women and community will inspire pride among your employees and customers!

  • As our partner, your company’s name and logo will appear on a variety of promotional materials surrounding the event you sponsor.

  • The Stella Projects plays an active role in the community, and our sponsors can make a big impression through their support.

For more information on current and upcoming sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at


We look forward to partnering with you to restore dignity and quality of life by providing women survivors with employment opportunities!